

Grand Re-Opening

Saturday, April 12, 2015

The museum will host its grand re-opening and ribbon cutting events on Saturday, April 12, 2025 starting at 10:30am at its new location at 312 North 5th Street in David City.

Watch Pure Nebraska to learn more about the opening.

The grand opening events will include welcome statements and remarks by members of the board of directors, capital campaign representatives and local dignitaries. There will be a live painting demonstration by Texas artist V….Vaughan. Art activities will be ongoing in the classroom, as well as tours through the galleries. This event is free and open to the public. All are welcome. Museum hours on opening weekend will be Saturday, 10am -4pm and Sunday 1-4pm.

With this move, Bone Creek Museum is greatly expanding the opportunities for audience engagement that have attracted visitors nationwide since 2008. The 1917 building has retained the historic charm of its showroom lobby and reinvigorated the remaining space with five galleries, two classrooms, and a theatre. “There is no underestimating the impact of this building on the activities of the museum. We will now have dedicated spaces for artist talks and receptions, proper spaces for receiving and storing the growing permanent collection, room to host in-house art workshops, and more,” said collections manager Gabrielle Comte. 

Toasted Ponies

Music at the Museum

Toasted Ponies Concert

Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 3:00pm

The Lincoln-based bluegrass band will play at the newly opened Bone Creek Museum location at 312 N. 5th Street. The band generously offered to play at the museum in connection with other concerts in David City that day made possible by the Butler County Arts Council. All are invited to this free concert to enjoy some of the best local bluegrass music.

2025 Art Day Camp

Save the Dates- July 29, 30, & 31

Check back for more information about the 2025 Day Camps.

2024 details: 10 am–3 pm
Art Room At:
3420 MN Road
Aquinas High School (N end of bldg.)

$20 per day or $10 per class
Registration fees includes materials

Art day camp for ages 8 and older is held at Aquinas with two 2-hour sessions per day taught by experienced art teachers. Sarah Juranek will coordinate the activities with other teachers and assistants. $20/day, ($10/session) includes materials.

Art Camp Day Brochure

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