Nebraska Department of Economic Developments Travel and Tourism Division awarded the 2011 Outstanding Website Award to Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art. On October 26, Paula Bohaty, presented the award to Mark L. Moseman, Chief Curator, at the museum. Also present were Amanda Mobley Guenther, Associate Curator and web site manager, and Carol Moseman, Bone Creek board member. Mark and Carol Moseman proposed and provided a $2,400 donation grant in 2010 for the specific purpose of upgrading the previous web site to a state of the art web site comparable to that of other major American art museums. The grant allowed creation of the site by web site designer Ashley Beydler Cameron. Cameron, a graduate of Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, Missouri, is a Graphic and Web Designer & front-end developer at a Lincoln advertising agency, the minnow PROJECT. Cameron is married to former David City resident and Bone Creek board member, Ryan Cameron.
After installing the new website, attendance at Bone Creek increased by 20 percent and this one-of-a-kind museum became a top tourist destination in Butler County. The upgraded web site has helped attract visitors from all 50 states and several foreign countries; and has contributed to Bone Creek Museum of Agrarian Art being the national center for exceptional Agrarian Art.